Quick Facts

With a total of 10 urban garden renovations, the landscape design incorporates existing mature trees with 2,300 native and drought-friendly plants.
The pilot project reflects the City of Paramount’s commitment to Sustainability Best Practice Activities by promoting water conservation through the installation of drought-tolerant and low maintenance landscaping in previously turfed medians. This project helped contribute to the City achieving Platinum Level Sustainability Best Practices Beacon Spotlight Award by the Institute for Local Government (ILG) and the Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative (SEEC). The planting design provides year round interest through bold colors, textures and scales and reinforces the concept of a boulevard of gardens.
By focusing on sustainability during a seven-year drought, Studio One Eleven has provided a solution to reduce water and energy use. The new landscape design requires ΒΌ the amount of water that was originally needed to maintain the turf grass. The Downey Avenue Median Pilot Program was thoroughly envisioned to allow for replicability of its model throughout the city and other Southern California locations and has led to the renovation of 2.6 miles of streetscape medians in Paramount.

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