We are community.
We are connectors.
We share our space.
Our studio is an Urban Lab where we bring the outside in to inspire innovation and have conversations that uplift cities.

Our Urban Lab is:
A testing ground for making better cities
A place to come together, collaborate, and socialize
A studio in which we create with our clients
A space that’s more about office camaraderie than life in the cubicle
Our Studio Culture
We offer remote working options, as well as restorative classes at our WELL Gold Certified studio in Long Beach. We host company activities and special events with creative leaders across disciplines. We foster a positive and healthy workplace culture that promotes work-life balance.
We Share Our Space
By sharing our space with like-minded partners, the Urban Lab promotes discussions about city-making and opens its doors to all comers from free-range chefs to graffiti artists. Mario Ybarra Jr., Artist-in-Residence Kimley-Horn Long Beach Accelerator Commune Communication Intertrend Long Beach Community Design Center ADU Homes The CSULB Institute for Innovation + EntrepreneurshipWe support and collaborate with many cultural organizations, nonprofits, and start-ups.
We Support Local Business
We are committed to building community and place by supporting small businesses, the heart and soul of our cities. Pinch Of Salt VIP Records Chef Kyle Cambodian Cowboy, Chef Chad Phuong Eddie's Pizza NapoletanaCreating vibrant communities is not done through architecture alone but by investing in the life of our cities.
Downtown Long Beach is our testing ground for making better cities.
Over a decade ago we embarked on a community-led visioning process that led to a new Downtown Plan focused on creating a dynamic and livable “Waterfront Metropolis.” That vision was brought to life with active streets that support walking and biking, thousands of new housing units, and the adaptive reuse of dozens of significant buildings.
Projects In Our City

A brand-new building on an abandoned oil field reverses history, from carbon-intensive to carbon-neutral, with an abundance of daylight, and energy efficiency.

Partake Collective
A new restaurant concept that provides a support system to small, local, crafted businesses in need of additional kitchen space.

Zinnia Affordable Housing
Contributing to a Convenient, Healthy, and Sustainable lifestyle for Affordable Housing Residents

The Linden
The anchor of a revitalized, bustling, well-loved neighborhood in Downtown Long Beach.

Lincoln Park Activation
Drawing people back to an historic park with music, art workshops, pop-ups, calisthenics, and plain old fun.

Getty Celebrates LB
Celebrating Civic Pride and Diversity through Arts and Culture in Honor the Getty's 25th Anniversary

Long Beach Senior Arts Colony
Giving artist seniors a dignified, affordable place to live and work in a communal setting.

Armory Arts Collective
Placed at the crossroads of art and education, bringing essential workforce housing to Long Beach.

200 West Ocean
A Mothballed Office Tower is Converted into a 106-unit Apartment Building that Revitalizes and puts housing back in the Urban Core, where it belongs.