Project Details
Practice Theme
What We Did
The proposed plan offers a vision and set of goals and strategies to successfully revitalize Downtown Torrance and its surrounding corridors.
Strategies explore multiple dimensions including tenanting and business attraction, urban design and public realm, parking, and mobility, branding and communication, and funding. The vision for the Study Area is a result of year-long process that involved an existing conditions analysis of the economic, physical, and mobility landscape of the Study Area and feedback from stakeholder groups, including residents, property owners, business owners, city staff, and city councilmembers.

Outreach Survey Respondent Priorities. A two-week online community survey was launched in April 2021, to solicit input and feedback on draft goals and priorities for the Study Area. In total, 159 survey responses were received through this engagement.
Among other placemaking strategies gateway signage is recommended for Downtown Torrance at the intersection of Carson street / Cabrillo avenue, and Torrance boulevard / Sartori avenue. A secondary gateway is planned at the intersection of El Prado avenue / Cravens avenue.
The project includes enhanced pedestrian connectivity to the Downtown, implementation of open space corridors, improvements on bicycle network gaps, regulations on micro-mobility usage, among other strategies to ensure a future vibrant Downtown area.
Strategies for revitalization include streetscape and public realm improvements on key corridors increasing hardscaped areas that can accommodate outdoor activities such as dining, gathering etc. Improving sidewalks, landscaping, art, and lighting while keeping it informal.

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