
Project Details
Practice Theme
What We Did
Studio One Eleven worked with the Eco Rapid Transit Authority and the City of Huntington Park to envision the future of two neighborhoods around proposed light rail stations on LA Metro’s West Santa Ana Branch (WSAB) Transit Corridor.
The Pacific/Randolph and Florence/Salt Lake Station Area Plans for two proposed transit stops along the line create a vision, goals and recommendations to guide future mixed-use and housing development in the neighborhoods within the station areas.
The WSAB light rail will connect Huntington Park and other historically underinvested communities in southeast Los Angeles to downtown LA. The Pacific/Randolph and Florenace/ Salt Lake Station Area Plans for two proposed transit stops along the line create a vision.
Recommendations in the Plans include land use and zoning guidance for the cities to accommodate compact and walkable development, but also focus on programs and policies to anchor neighborhood growth and change in principles of equitable development that will uplift the existing residents and legacy businesses and protect them from displacement.

The Plans are based in equitable TOD principles and envision a station area concept of ‘Incremental Infill’, that can strategically develop under-utilized commercial sites in the vicinity of the proposed stations, while preserving parts of the existing fabric that define the culture and character of the place and existing housing or local businesses that are valued by the community.
The Plans are unique in that they show a path forward, empowering communities that need transit investment while suggesting ways to limit the potential challenges for displacement due to gentrification and loss of community or local identity. They place the focus of change on equity first, recommending policies and programs to provide new housing that serves the existing population, as well as improving quality of life and economic opportunity while making room for better transportation options to create healthy and sustainable communities.

APA Los Angeles Excellence Award: Best Practices
Infusing Equity Into New Infrastructure Investments
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