
Project Details
Practice Theme
What We Did
Studio One Eleven’s project team developed a Conceptual Plan for Sherman Way in close coordination with Los Angeles’ Council District 3 (CD3), expert consultants and a project steering committee.
The final plan provides Sherman Way—one of Mayor Garcetti’s Great Streets—with lasting streetscape improvements to enhance the neighborhood and create vibrant streets on which to live, work and shop.
The team worked closely with the community of Reseda to gain critical community input and consensus around proposed design solutions and economic growth strategies for the corridor.

The final plan proposes a series of mobility improvements that encourage multi-modal transportation, including a new network of bike lines and enhanced pedestrian crossings at intersections. New identity elements, public open spaces and artist designed signage were also recommended to leverage and celebrate the history and unique character of Reseda. To capitalize on proven market opportunities and community needs, the program encourages new residential and commercial development along the corridor to boost economic growth, activate the street and create a village destination.
The City is now in the process of identifying potential funding sources to implement these recommendations. CD3 has been instrumental in establishing a business improvement district (BID) for the area in order to facilitate and maintain the proposed improvements.

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