Project Details
Practice Theme
What We Did
This $3.6 million streetscape renovation for the City of Paramount re-envisioned the character of their downtown district to create places for people, incorporate sustainable landscaping and engineering practices, modernize the local transit system, enhance lighting and wayfinding, and improve the safety of pedestrians. A half-mile stretch of Paramount Boulevard between Jackson Street and Alondra Boulevard was invigorated by the improvements.
The project required that the design team and the City perform a full analysis of the existing conditions, to understand the uses, engineering, and mobility requirements of cars, buses, and pedestrians in the public right of way. The team also developed a strategy of partnering with neighboring properties to encourage improvements that would support the plan.
As part of the program, the district was evaluated for opportunities and constraints on both public and private property, and a “kit of parts” was devised and employed in order to bring a positive impact to Paramount Boulevard. In this way, the project served as a pilot program for public improvements that could be repeated throughout the City.
These “parts” consisted of mid-block pedestrian crossings, public parklets, drought-tolerant landscaping, custom bus stop trellises, traffic calming medians, public dining paseos, parkway planting and new sidewalks, bulb-outs at intersections, protected on-street parking, graphic crosswalks, pedestrian lighting, bicycle racks, and street furniture. This project has served to not only enhance downtown Paramount but has also led to recent improvements of other streets and the rehabilitation of all transit shelters and bus stops throughout the City

“Paramount Boulevard’s design elevates the importance of pedestrians and the local community’s needs by creating inclusive pedestrian walkways, bus shelters, and seating areas. The design is an excellent example for other cities in California to follow as a prototype of an urban corridor redevelopment where vehicular traffic and pedestrians coexist in harmony with nature.”
– ASLA Jury
ASLA Honor Award
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